Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Reading responce 9/12

 Lunsford Reading: 

Lunsford's article was about three different writing styles and collaboration that can be useful to anyone. These styles consisted of using a writing center as a storehouse which is a place that provides information, skills, and strategies. The appointments may consist of modules and learning activities that are just for individual work. Another style was using the garret center which is when writers work together to have a better understanding of their ideas. The third method is a parlor system, where two equals are working together. Another big idea that was in this article was collaboration. The author emphasizes the helpful outcomes that collaboration within writing can bring. My personal opinion of this article was that it was helpful. I never have heard of a storehouse or garret writing center. Usually, when I think of writing I always assume it's a solo activity rather than something you can do with more than one person. A question I have left to ask is are there any negative aspects when it comes to collaboration?

North Reading:

Stephen North's article is about the thoughts that he's gathered based on his own experience working in a writing center. He specifically feels that a writing center should do more than just correct problems that papers have. He feels that writing centers should work towards improving students' writing skills overall. This is so it helps in the long run rather than just quickly fixing a paper and the student just moving on, not learning important skills. He also emphasizes that the writing center should not just be for experienced writers. It should be for people of all different writing levels. My personal thoughts on his article are that I very much agree with him. I have been to our school writing center a few times but each time I went it felt like I did not learn any useful skills. We just worked on my paper and then I went along with my life. Once I turned the paper in I never really thought or looked back on my experiences in the center. I think learning skills would be very helpful especially for me because I could improve my writing. My question I have after this reading is what can we do to make writing centers more collaborative and skillful?

Mattison Reading:

Mattison's article talks about how the writing center's teachings have improved drastically and evolved into topics such as more diverse work. Mattison promoted talking about topics surrounding social justice and other important matters. He also gives his thoughts about North's articles surrounding writing centers. My reflection on this reading was it was honestly more of a challenging one. It was hard for me to understand if he was agreeing with North's article or having a different perspective on it. MY question I have after reading this article is, what are some ways writing centers can expand diversity within the center?

Latta's Reading:

In Latta's article, she talks about the thoughts that students who struggle and do not necessarily have good writing skills, have this due to lack of motivation. She feels that students can improve writing by utilizing what they already know and growing from the skills that they already carry. She feels teachers need to be more supportive to students which can help improve their writing. My personal thoughts on this article are that I somewhat agree with her. In class, we talked about how professors sometimes say things like "This writing is not good." Things like that are so discouraging, if a professor told me that I would just wanna give up on writing overall and feel like I suck at it. Instead, they should be more encouraging and make students want to learn to improve their writing skills. My question after reading the article is if teachers are not already supportive how can we improve? 

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Reading Responce's 9/19

 Bedford Guide Chapter One:  Chapter One of Bedford's "The Writing Center as a Workplace," explores the role of a worker in th...